A biblical exploration of the fruit of the Spirit known as “goodness”, which refers to the rapidly vanishing vocation of virtue we are called to cultivate.

Be Good, Do Good, Part 3: Favoritism Forbidden – James 2:1-13

We have been exploring the fruit of the Spirit known as goodness. The book of James, perhaps more than any other New Testament letter, is written to give us very specific instructions for living out the goodness of God, urging us to both be good and do good as God is good, to exercise charity and purity, inside and out, with all integrity as God does.

Be Good, Do Good, Part 2: Listening and Doing – James 1:19-27

James uses the metaphor of a mirror to make his point today about goodness – being good and doing good, which is what this message series is about. He says that people who listen to the word of God without letting it change them are like those who look in a mirror, then immediately turn away and forget what they look like.

Be Good, Do Good, Part 1: Trials and Temptations – James 1:1-18

We are beginning a new series going through the book of James. The title of the series is “Be Good, Do Good” and it will be an exploration of the fruit of the Spirit known as “goodness”, which refers to the rapidly vanishing vocation of virtue we are called to cultivate.

Service Times

Worship Service
Sunday @ 10:30am (English)
Sunday @ 11:00am (Spanish)

Bible Studies

Women's Bible Study
First Saturday each Month @ 9:30am

Volunteer Opportunities


Joseph's Storehouse Emergency Food Pantry
Monday - Thursday @ 9am-12pm

Contact Us

(619) 342-1414

Physical Address

3310 Bancroft Drive
Spring Valley, CA 91977


PO Box 221
Spring Valley, CA 91977

Please send secure mail to PO box instead of physical address. 

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